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 Mountain View, CA

Independence Auto Body ...more info

Jim Tidwell
750 Independence Ave.
Mountain View, CA 94043 (0 miles away)
2 Reviews

Auto Repair

: Based on the review below, I brought my badly dented Camry to Jim. My ...more

: I have a old Volvo that might have gotten very expensive to fix at the ...more

Carlsen Porsche ...more info

3636 Haven Avenue
Redwood City, CA 94063 (9.6 miles away)
Main: +1-650-701-9200Main: +1-650-701-9200
FAX: +1-650-701-1447
FAX: +1-650-701-1447

Auto Repair

David Modderman ...more info

Modderman Service Inc
1900 Old Middlefield Way, Suite F
Mountain View, CA 94043 (0.7 miles away)

1 Review

Auto Repair

: David Modderman and his crew provide knowledgeable, quality work at fa ...more

Peninsula Automotive Clinic ...more info

Pablo Fonseca

317 7th Avenue
San Mateo, CA 94401 (22 miles away)
Main: +1-650-401-8860Main: +1-650-401-8860
FAX: +1-650-458-3177
FAX: +1-650-458-3177

1 Review

Auto Repair

: Owners Pablo and David are passionate about excellence, dogged when it ...more

Toole's Garage ...more info

Dave Toole

1065 Washington Street
San Carlos, CA 94070 (13 miles away)

1 Review

Auto Repair

: Toole's Garage has the best customer service I have encountered in a v ...more

Precision Tune Auto Care ...more info

Redwood City, CA (12 miles away)

Auto Repair

Burlingame Auto Clinic ...more info

Don McGrath
132 Myrtle Road
Burlingame, CA 94010 (24 miles away)
1 Review

Auto Repair

: I phoned the Burlingame Auto Clinic at 7:30 am earlier this week, and  ...more

MB Garage Inc Mercedes-Benz Specialists ...more info

Janet Migliore
Marketing Director

2165 Palm Ave
San Mateo, CA 94403 (20 miles away)
Main: +1-650-349-2744Main: +1-650-349-2744
FAX: +1-650-349-0337
FAX: +1-650-349-0337

Auto Repair

Jim Davis Automotive ...more info

3972 El Camino Real
Palo Alto, California 94306 (1.8 miles away)

Auto Repair

Motorsport Division ...more info

4021 Pacific Blvd
San Mateo, CA 94403 (18 miles away)

Auto Repair

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