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Burlingame Auto Clinic ...more info

Don McGrath

132 Myrtle Road
Burlingame, CA 94010 (17 miles away)


Burlingame Auto Clinic

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Burlingame Auto Clinic ...more info

Don McGrath

132 Myrtle Road
Burlingame, CA 94010 (17 miles away)
Beth's Review


I phoned the Burlingame Auto Clinic at 7:30 am earlier this week, and owner/mechanic Don McGrath cheerfully picked up the phone. I explained my daughter was about to embark on a road trip, yet her 'check engine' light was on. I asked if he could take a look. He graciously explained he could run the test, but that he was unfortunately booked for the holiday weekend. As I explained my observations, he replied, 'sounds just like an open gas-cap. Just bring it in today and let's see." So I did (bring it in). Sure enough, this is exactly what the test showed! (easy fix -- screw on the cap tight...). He also topped up the water, fluids, and checked the oil and tires. And refused payment. NOW I know why this man is so beloved by the community. I will absolutely bring my daughter's car in to him for tune. He is very honest, quick and experienced!
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