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Mary Lou Manlove ...more info

ColorINSIGHT: Mary Lou Manlove-
Color Specialist and Image Consultant

3748 Brett Harte Drive
Redwood City, CA 94061 (30 miles away)

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Mary Lou Manlove

ColorINSIGHT: Mary Lou Manlove-

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Mary Lou Manlove is a Color Spe­cial­ist and Image Con­sultant who believes knowl­edge is power, help­ing women and men appre­ci­ate and develop their per­sonal style since 1999. She pro­vides cus­tomized instruc­tion in color, shape, and design, so you can become highly selec­tive in choos­ing cloth­ing and acces­sories that are in har­mony with your body’s design and your goals. Mary Lou‘s step-by-step “pre­scrip­tion for self-reliance” will teach you to under­stand your body’s inher­ent design with­out fear, judg­ment, or self-criticism; to cap­ture a visu­ally pleas­ing rela­tion­ship between you and your clothes.

Mary Lou offers style and wardrobe ser­vices, style work­shops and color par­ties so that you can look more cred­i­ble, feel more com­fort­able and be more con­fi­dent in every­thing you do.

Mary Lou is a grad­u­ate of Color Design­ers Inter­na­tional, with Sharon Chris­man. She also trained with image author­ity Carla Mathis of Col­orStyle and Body Beautiful.
Mary Lou is a grad­u­ate of Color Design­ers Inter­na­tional, with Sharon Chris­man and Cora­lyn Lun­dell. She also trained with image author­ity Carla Mathis of Col­orStyle and Body Beau­ti­ful. Mary Lou is a co-owner and instruc­tor at Image and Color Insti­tute Inter­na­tional LLC, in Cuper­tino, CA. In addi­tion to her image and color con­sult­ing ser­vices, she trains stu­dents to become color con­sul­tants using the Appear­ance Design Color Sys­tem based on Suzanne Caygil’s work.

How we dress is an expres­sion of how we feel about life and our­selves. It is very pow­er­ful and can be used effec­tively to intro­duce us to oth­ers, and to influ­ence how oth­ers per­ceive or respond to us. In fact, cloth­ing is the most pow­er­ful non-verbal tool we pos­sess.” ~ Mary Lou Manlove
Would You Like to See Your­self in a Whole New Way?

Do You Want a Wardrobe that Works for You?

Are You Ready to Cre­ate a Per­sonal Style Based on Your Color and Body Type?

Color Spe­cial­ist and Style Con­sul­tant Mary Lou Manlove, will help you take the guess­ing out of dress­ing! She offers per­sonal and pro­fes­sional color analy­sis, color/style classes, wardrobe build­ing, and per­sonal shop­ping ser­vices to help you look more cred­i­ble, feel more com­fort­able and be more con­fi­dent in every­thing you do!

Mary Lou Manlove ...more info

ColorINSIGHT: Mary Lou Manlove-
Color Specialist and Image Consultant

3748 Brett Harte Drive
Redwood City, CA 94061 (30 miles away)
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Donna's Review


Before working with Mary Lou I was actually living in hiding. I managed to fade into the woodwork and not stand out in a crowd. That strategy no longer worked for me when I started my business and went to networking events.

At our first session, Mary Lou drew out of me so much insightful information. I heard myself say that I was ready to be seen. She provided me with a renewed appreciation of myself and a way to let "the world" see who I really am. I had no idea how significant all of this would be!

Mary Lou created a color fan for me that complements my hair, skin and eye colors. I'm finding clothes in my colors and style so I can mix and match them. I now trust that I have enough new clothes that I can begin to clean out my closet and get rid of what doesnt look good on me. I'm making a fresh new start.

This is opening up a whole new world to me and it's a lot of fun! I'm attracting my ideal clients -- women 50+ in transition -- and together were making the most of "our time to blossom"!
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